The first holiday in God's list of 7 is Passover. We must look into the scriptures to discover when the first Passover took place. Since this is the first holiday, is it possible there was a "passover" sometime in the first millennium? The basic meaning of Passover is that God passes over sin that is covered by blood. Remember when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they realized that they were naked. Once they realized this, they became ashamed and sought to cover themselves. How often do we find ourselves running from God when we know that we have displeased him? It was by the knowledge of good and evil that they obtained, that mankind became aware of just how holy God is and how unholy they were. The result? FEAR. They feared God because of his holiness. The only way for them to cope was to cover themselves and hide. It's no surprise that they used fig leaves. This was easy and required nearly nothing on their part. For an almighty, righteous and just God, this covering could not undo what man had done because God had already given the penalty for sin, which is death. God had warned Adam that in the day that he eats of the forbidden fruit, he would surely die. Blood was required. In order for Adam and Eve to continue living, blood had to be spilt as payment. Here is where we discover the very first passover. “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them” (Genesis 3:2). God observed the first Passover when he allowed mankind to live on by performing a sacrifice and covering them with the skins he had made for them.
Where does this holiday fit within Man's Work Week? Within the first day of Man's Work Week or the first 1000 years, God overlooked man's sin by paying for it through sacrifice! You can see here that God's first Holiday matches up precisely with what took place in the first day of Man's Work Week.
Upon entering into the inner court of God's house, we discover the first item of importance, the Brazen Alter. The first ceremonial act was for the High Priest to slay a lamb and collect its blood. After which, the remains of the lamb were burned on this alter. Remember, that God's first Holiday is Passover, which is the covering of blood over sin. The Passover Lamb is slain over the Brazen Alter.
Adam "Man" Became Mortal 3970
Seth "Appointed" Born 3840-2798
Enosh "Mortal"Born 3735
Cainan "Sorrow" Born 3645
Mahalaleel "Blessed of God" Born 3575
Jared "Shall Come Down"Born 3510
Enoch "Teaching" Born 3348
Methuselah "His Death Shall Bring"Born 3283
Lamech "The Desparing"Born 3096
Adam dies 3040
The Age of Sacrifice begins the week of seven ages and correlates to the first day of creation week. In the first day, God separated light from darkness. In the same way, we see in the first day (1000 years) of history, that man separates himself from God. Adam disobeyed God and went his own way. God forbid him from eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He gave him access to all other trees in the garden, except for this one. Yet, Adam could not resist the temptation to eat from it. In doing so, the result was a disparity between God and Man that is like the separation between light and darkness, which we still feel today.
In the wheel above, you'll notice that it is divided into two parts, the lighter/upper half and the darker/lower half. We'll refer to the upper half as day and the lower half as night. In the day, you'll notice an alter figure, known as the Brazen Alter. This represents the first article within the Tabernacle (see Exodus 27:1-5), God's dwelling place, and is the first of seven articles that are found within the Tabernacle. This article correlates to the lamb figure located in the night section of the wheel. This figure represents the sacrifice that God provided for Adam and Eve so that they could go on living after they sinned, which was a demonstration of God's grace. Later, we see God instruct his people to observe the Feast of Passover, a commemoration of their deliverance from the death angel and their bondage in Egypt. In order to observe this feast, they would slay a lamb and put the blood from the lamb on the doorpost of their homes. This was a prophetic event that foreshadowed Jesus (being the lamb of God) dying for us on a cross to deliver us from death and the bondage of sin. When we accept his sacrifice for our sins, we are in effect, putting his blood on the doorpost of our hearts, which covers us. In doing so, when God looks upon us, he does not see our sin, rather he sees Jesus blood upon our hearts. Consequently, we stand forgiven before a holy and righteous God and counted as an heir with Jesus himself because he purchased us with his blood.
The amazing thing is the connection between the Brazen Alter and the Feast of Passover. The passover lamb was slain and sacrificed on the Brazen Alter. Both are the first of seven and by looking at them in conjunction, we are able to obtain a greater understand of their respective and correlated meanings.